

news-icon 11. July 2024

Our new colleague in internal sales!

We are delighted to introduce our new colleague Thomas Fröse to you today! As an administrator in the internal sales department, Thomas takes over from Ralf Bermpohl, who is going into well-deserved retirement after many years of great work. Thomas is the contact person for our customers in North Rhine-Westphalia and is already looking after some sales partners, e.g. in Italy and Turkey. read more

[Translate to Englisch Int.:] Unser neuer Kollege Thomas Fröse

news-icon 4. July 2024

SePem 351 LoRaWAN - Customer Experience Société Mosellane des Eaux, Metz

Today we visit Amelie Collignon, a passionate water leak detection technician at Société Mosellane des Eaux (Veolia) in Metz. read more

news-icon 27. June 2024

SePem 351 - Sending measurement data via LoRaWAN

What is new about the SePem® 351 noise logger is that the measurement data is transmitted via LoRaWAN®. LoRaWAN® is an easy-to-install and cost-effective network that many utilities successfully use to monitor various municipal services. read more

news-icon 24. June 2024

Natural gas or digester gas? Ethane analysis and its application in gas leak detection

Sometimes we find gas leaks that we can't explain. The measurement technology shows that the gas found is flammable, but there is no obvious damage site. Repeated measurements continue to show gas emissions. The cause could not only be a defective natural gas pipeline, but also digester or swamp gases (e.g., biogas from fermenters, landfill gas, mine gas, cemetery gas or even fuel). read more

news-icon 10. June 2024

SachsenEnergie goes West - Hydrogen and measurement technology at Sewerin

Gütersloh, June 6, 2024 - Almost 20 gas leak detection experts from SachsenEnergie set off from Dresden to Gütersloh at 7 am. read more

news-icon 6. June 2024

Analysis of the measurement behaviour of gas meters when hydrogen is added to the natural gas network - Part 2

How does the addition of hydrogen in the natural gas network affect the behaviour of gas meters? Sensors react differently to hydrogen! What effect does H2 have on the measured values of the EX-TEC® PM 580 in different applications? Today we are dealing specifically with the use case “monitoring workspace”. read more

news-icon 23. May 2024

New firmware EX-TEC® PM 5x0/400

The first EX-TEC® PM 5x0/400 with the latest firmware version 1.100 will be delivered this week! Find out all about the new functions and improvements here read more

news-icon 15. May 2024

Highlights from IFAT worldwide 2024!

We are pleased about the active interest of numerous customers and specialists in the field of water and gas leak detection, who visit us at IFAT worldwide 2024. read more

news-icon 6. May 2024

Our Customer Feedback from GasNet!

We adopted the LGP 800 gas leak detection vehicle in 2021, replacing the older Leakplotter system from SEWERIN, which had effectively reduced network leaks. However, we transitioned to foot patrol inspections using SEWERIN EX-TEC® HS 680 and EX-TEC® PM 4 gas leak detectors. In recent years, we also utilized EX-TEC® PM 580 detectors, but reverted to vehicle-based inspections in 2021. read more

news-icon 6. May 2024

Our Customer Feedback from eg.d!

Since 2010, we have successfully been utilizing detection vehicles for our inspections. Starting with the SEWERIN Leakplotter System, we transitioned to the advanced LaserGasPatroller 800 in 2016. The advantages? read more

news-icon 23. April 2024

Detect gas leaks even at long distances

Have you ever stood in front of a fence blocking access to the house connection? How do you determine during an emergency call-out whether there might be a gas concentration from the outside? The new SR-LDs overcome obstacles and speed up the workflow. They make your daily work easier and increase safety. read more

[Translate to Englisch Int.:] SR-LD

news-icon 22. February 2024

“Simply” determine the route of the pipe? Yes, that’s possible.

“Simply” determine the route of the pipe? Yes, that’s possible.... using the UT 9200 read more

[Translate to Englisch Int.:]

news-icon 19. February 2024

Sales Meeting North America 2024

Sales Meeting North America 2024 read more

news-icon 9. February 2024

ENGIE awards order to SEWERIN for gas measuring instruments

The electricity and gas supplier ENGIE Romania S. A. has awarded SEWERIN an order for 300 fully equipped gas measuring devices of the type EX-TEC HS 680 as well as 26 extraction devices for installation in its gas measuring vehicles. read more

news-icon 9. January 2024

What does Africa's largest producer of naturally dried mango, pineapple and coconuts have to do with biogas?

With its own biogas plant, HPW Fresh And Dry Ltd. produces CO2 neutral electricity from the fruit waste of the plant in Adeiso, Ghana. read more

news-icon 28. December 2023

How can you locate parallel pipes as accurately as possible?

How can you locate parallel pipes as accurately as possible? read more

news-icon 24. August 2023

Leak detection worldwide - customer experiences

What advantages does in-house leak detection offer a utility company? In our latest practical example, Cole Yerina, Lead Water Operator from the Wisconsin Public Works Department in Howard, Wisconsin, USA, explains the reasons for using SEWERIN's SeCorrPhon AC 200. read more

news-icon 15. August 2023

Search for buried people using the AQUAPHON A 200

What connects the search for a water leak with the search for victims? Acoustics plays an important role in both methods: The AQUAPHON® system was developed to locate water leaks acoustically. After the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria in February 2023, the AQUAPHON® A 200 was also used to search for buried people. read more

news-icon 22. November 2021

Ingo Matlachowski becomes assistant to the sales management

Since October 1st, 2021 Ingo Matlachowski has taken on the role of assistant to the sales management in addition to his work as export manager. read more

Ingo Matlachowski - Assistant to SEWERIN sales management

news-icon 22. November 2021

GAT/WAT 2021 in Cologne

We are pleased that GAT / WAT 2021, the leading event for the energy and water industry, can take place as a face-to-face event despite the current corona situation. read more

SEWERIN at GAT/WAT 2021 in Cologne

news-icon 22. November 2021

The new wireless headphones F8 H for attachment to safety helmet!

The F8 H wireless headphones are the helmet model of the established F8 wireless headphones. The F8 H headphones can be attached to all common types of safety helmet with a 30 mm Euroslot. Thanks to the SDR (Sewerin Digital Radio) short-range wireless system, these headphones allow Sewerin devices to be used wirelessly to detect water leaks wherever helmets need to be worn for safety reasons. read more

SEWERIN wireless headphones F8 H attached to the safety helmet

news-icon 22. September 2021

Trade fairs in October 2021 / A+A and Tausendwasser

From October 26th to 29th With A + A 2021, the leading trade fair for safety and health at work will take place in Düsseldorf. We will present our solutions in personal safety equipment to you in Hall 6 / C20. read more

A+A, Düsseldorf

news-icon 22. September 2021

Welcome - our new trainees

Für zwei Auszubildende hat am 01. September ein neuer Lebensabschnitt begonnen: Shannon Diveney (l17 Jahre) und Andreas Schilling (23 Jahre) absolvieren eine 3 1/2jährige Ausbildung zum Elektroniker/in für Geräte und Systeme bei der Hermann Sewerin GmbH. read more

(from left to right) Andreas Schilling, trainer Markus Brinkmann, Shannon Diveney

news-icon 22. September 2021

Saxony's Prime Minister visits SEWERIN's branch in Chemnitz

Member of the German Bundestag Frank Heinrich (CDU) and Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer stop at the branch of Hermann Sewerin GmbH on Nordstrasse on their bike tour through Chemnitz. read more

Michael Kersting (Hermann Sewerin GmbH) explains the latest water leak detection technology to MP Kretschmer (right).

news-icon 25. August 2021

SEWERIN test gas cans:

Test gases are used to calibrate SEWERIN's gas leak detectors.Like aerosols or spray tins of paint, they are categorised as a pressurised gas packaging according to UN 1950. These packagings are characterised by a maximum volume of one litre and a maximum pressure of 12 bar. As they comprise a "limited volume", there is no problem with sending them by mail.Designed to be disposable, SEWERIN test gas cans ensure simple handling when used with SEWERIN's SPE test sets. They are made of high-quality.. read more

SEWERIN test gas cans

news-icon 25. August 2021

Equipment donations to the volunteer fire brigades

On August 12, 2021, Hermann Sewerin GmbH handed over four fully equipped gas warning device sets of the types EX-TEC® PM 400 and EX-TEC® PM 500 to the volunteer fire brigades read more

detailed instruction in the handling of the SEWERIN equipment

news-icon 25. August 2021

Inspection of exposed gas supply lines at damaged bridges

The flood caused devastating damage in parts of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. In addition to destroyed houses, streets and highways, large parts of the gas and power lines were also damaged. On behalf of Regionetz GmbH, ... read more

Bridge inspection using a EX-TEC PM 580

news-icon von Facebook 26. July 2021

+++ Jobportrait Gasspürer +++Rohrnetze müssen dicht sein!Der Transport von Erdgas gilt als einer der sichersten Methoden der Energieversorgung.Um dies zu gewährleisten, müssen alle Leitungstrassen, Hauptleitungen und Anschlussleitungen regelmäßig von Gasspürern überprüft werden.Was genau macht ein Gasspürer?Mit ihren Dienstfahrzeugen sind unsere Mitarbeiter deutschlandweit und auch im benachbarten Ausland tätig. Dabei überprüfen sie systematisch erd- und freiverlegte Versorgungsnetze um mögliche Leckagen frühzeitig zu erkennen. Dies erfolgt mit den von Sewerin entwickelten Gasmessgeräten, die auch geringste Mengen von Erdgas erfassen, wie z.B. unseren FI-Detektor PORTAFID® .Werden bei dieser Prüfung Hinweise auf Leckagen im Rohrnetz festgestellt, müssen diese Leckagen exakt lokalisiert und dem Netzbetreiber zur Reparatur angezeigt werden. Zudem erfolgt eine Einschätzung der Gefährdung, die sogenannte „Klassifikation“, die von der aufgefundenen Leckstelle ausgeht. Wichtig bei diesen Tätigkeiten sind die ausführliche Dokumentation der geprüften Leitungen oder auch die Durchführung der Empfindlichkeitstests bei den eingesetzten Gaskonzentrationsmessgeräten. Wie wird man Gasspürer?Eine Vorausbildung ist grundsätzlich nicht notwendig, weshalb das Gasspüren auch für Quereinsteiger eine interessante Tätigkeit sein kann. Die mehrmonatige Einarbeitung erfolgt bei uns durch erfahrene SEWERIN-Gasspürer, die den neuen Kollegen sorgfältig auf die vielfältigen Anforderungen des Gasspürens vorbereiten. Am Ende der Einarbeitungszeit wird eine Prüfung beim DVGW ((Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches) abgelegt, um eigenverantwortlich arbeiten zu können. Was ist sonst noch wichtig?Technisches Interesse an der selbständigen Arbeit mit modernster Gasspürtechnik, eine hohe Reisebereitschaft und die Lust auf eine Ausbildung bei uns im Haus.Sie können sich vorstellen als Gasspürer für uns zu arbeiten? Dann bewerben Sie sich gern über unsere Website:

news-icon von Facebook 23. July 2021

Am 01.04.2021 hatte Herr Jakob Bulut seinen ersten Arbeitstag als Technischer Einkäufer bei SEWERIN.Nach seiner abgeschlossenen Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann begann er ein praxisintegriertes duales Studium im Bereich Digitale Logistik mit dem Schwerpunkt Beschaffung und Lagerverwaltung an der Fachhochschule Bielefeld.In seiner Freizeit trainiert Herr Bulut die 1. Herren-Mannschaft eines Gütersloher Fußballvereins und betreibt gern Ausdauersport. Über seine bisherigen Erfahrungen bei SEWERIN sagt Herr Bulut: "Besonders gut gefallen mir das familiäre Arbeitsklima und das positive Miteinander. Alle Kollegen sind sehr zuvorkommend". Wir wünschen Herrn Bulut einen guten Start, viel Erfolg und Freude an der Arbeit in unserem Team.

news-icon von Facebook 22. July 2021

Unsere nächsten Messetermine:26. - 29.10.2021 - A+A, Düsseldorf27. - 28.10.2021 - Tausendwasser, Berlin24. - 25.11.2021 - GAT/WAT, Köln07. - 09.12.2021 - Biogas Convention, Nürnberg27. - 28.01.2022 - IRO, OldenburgSchauen Sie auch regelmäßig in unseren Eventkalender. finden Sie alle Messen und weiteren Veranstaltungen, auf denen Sie uns persönlich und unsere Produkte kennenlernen können.

news-icon von Facebook 21. July 2021

Endlich ist es wieder soweit und die ersten Messen und Tagungen finden wieder statt.Am 07. – 08. Juli 2021 haben wir daher die Möglichkeit genutzt und waren als Aussteller auf den Biogas Infotagen in Ulm vertreten.Unsere Mannschaft durfte viele Fragen rund um das Thema Biogas beantworten und freute sich, endlich wieder zu Fachsimpeln und Erfahrungen auszutauschen.Der persönliche Austausch war den BesucherInnen besonders wichtig, um im direkten Gespräch ihre offenen Fragen zu klären und auch die Geräte zu bedienen, berichtet Produktmanagerin Medine Kara. Unser Fazit: Die Tagung waren noch nicht so stark besucht wie gewöhnlich aber wir sind guter Dinge. Daher würden wir Sie gerne auf den nächsten Messen/Tagungen begrüßen und freuen uns auf gute Gespräche.

news-icon von Facebook 20. July 2021

Der SEWERIN Insider - Ausgabe Juli 2021 -

news-icon von Facebook 16. July 2021

Betriebsimpfungen bei #SEWERIN! 💉Heute konnte unsere Betriebsärztin, Frau Hahn-Seidolt, 40 Mitarbeitenden und ihren Partner*innen die Erstimpfung mit dem BioNtech-Impfstoff verabreichen. 😀Vielen Dank an Frau Hahn-Seidolt und ihr Team vom #ASZ#coronaschutzimpfung #Impfaktion #Impfung

news-icon von Facebook 24. June 2021

Service im Emsland 😎

news-icon von Facebook 23. June 2021

Bereits zum 7. Mal veranstaltet die #IHKChemnitz die traditionelle Netzwerkveranstaltung „Business trifft Afrika“ am 30. Juni 2021.Um 11:15 Uhr nimmt unser Kollege Michael Kersting an einem spannenden Podiumsgespräch zum Thema „Chancen für KMU in Afrika“ teil und stellt dort unsere Projekten in Afrika, u.a. mit der #GIZ, aus den Bereichen Wasser und Umwelt vor. #sewerin #wasser #businesstrifftafrika

news-icon von Facebook 23. June 2021

Um die wachsenden Aufgaben, Leistungen und Projekte weiterhin mit maximalem Einsatz zu erfüllen, haben wir unser Team verstärkt. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen unseren neuen Kollegen vorstellen zu dürfen.Seit Februar leitet Markus Batta die Bereiche Strategisches Marketing und Produktmanagement. Nach einer klassischen technischen Ausbildung durchlief er mehrere Stationen im Bereich des Produkt- und Programmmanagements der Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie. Neben der beruflichen Tätigkeit bildete er sich konstant weiter und schloss neben den Studien zum technischem Fachwirt und technischem Betriebswirt noch ein Studium in Wirtschaftswissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Marketing ab.Frau Medine Kara unterstützt seit Anfang Mai den Produktbereich Gas als Produktmanagerin. Während ihres Masterstudiums im Modul Angewandte Analytische Chemie an der Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster kam Frau Kara bereits mit Flammen-ionisationsgeräten und Infrarotsensorik in Kontakt. Erste Auslands- und Berufserfahrungen sammelte sie während eines Auslandsemesters in Korea und ihrer Anstellung bei einem Pharmaunternehmen in der Schweiz.Wir wünschen Frau Kara und Herrn Batta einen guten Start, viel Erfolg und Freude an der Arbeit in unserem Team.#sewerin #teamsewerin

news-icon von Facebook 21. June 2021

Der SEWERIN Insider - Ausgabe Juni 2021 -

news-icon von Facebook 21. May 2021

EX-TEC PM 580 – jetzt als erstes Gerät mit zertifizierter Messfunktion (aktiver Explosionsschutz) im Einsatzfall „Prüfung Bauwerk.Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeiten von Gaswarnen und –spüren in EINEM Einsatzfall!Der zertifizierte Einsatzfall „Prüfung Bauwerk“ ermöglicht Ihnen folgende Vorteile:- Zeitersparnis, kein Wechsel des Einsatzfalls notwendig- Einfachere Bedienung verhindert Fehlmessungen- Erhöhte Sicherheit durch zertifizierte Messfunktion nach EN 60079-29-1:2016Sie wollen mehr darüber erfahren? Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf, wir beantworten gerne ihre Fragen.

news-icon von Facebook 21. May 2021

Für unsere Abteilung Qualitätswesen suchen wir Sie als+++ Qualitäts-Techniker (m/w/d) +++

news-icon von Facebook 26. April 2021

Im Einsatz auf einer Biogasanlage in Rietberg bei schönstem Wetter! 😎

news-icon von Facebook 13. April 2021

Die Sewerin Service GmbH Fahrzeugausbau sucht ab sofort in Vollzeit eine/n +++ Fahrzeugbauer, Metallbauer, Monteur Fahrzeugeinrichtungen (m/w/d) +++Weitere Infos:

news-icon von Facebook 25. March 2021

Heute sind unsere Corona-Selbsttests eingetroffen! 🥳Ab sofort können auch wir unseren Mitarbeitern regelmäßige, kostenlose Selbsttests zur Verfügung stellen. 👏

news-icon von Facebook 24. March 2021

Official opening of the first digital SEWERIN European Sales Meeting 2021 with more than 30 attendees from SEWERIN representatives and subsidiaries!

news-icon von Facebook 18. March 2021

#GIZ-Online-Veranstaltung "Ask an Expert" zum Thema LEAK NOISE CORRELATION mit Teilnehmer*innen aus mehr als10 Nationen 🤩

news-icon von Facebook 11. March 2021

Automatische Prüfeinrichtungen ATS 503 bzw. ATS 501: die perfekte Ergänzung für Ihre Gaskonzentrationsmessgeräte EX-TEC® PM 580, 550, 500 und 400!

news-icon von Facebook 8. March 2021

Werden Sie Teil unseres Teams und bewerben Sie sich als+ + + Projektleiter (m/w/d) + + +für unsere Abteilung SeGAS® (Sewerin Gas Anlagen Service) im Geschäftsbereich Rohrnetzüberprüfung. Weitere Informationen finden hier:

news-icon 19. November 2018

SePem 300

The new noise logger for the stationary monitoring of water pipe networks read more

[Translate to Englisch Int.:]

news-icon 15. August 2017

Two new products from Sewerin for professional water leak detection

The SeCorr® C 200 and SeCorrPhon AC 200 working in conjunction for perfect water leak detection: easy-to-read measurement value display and automated filter selection read more

[Translate to Englisch Int.:]

news-icon 1. June 2016

Leaky video of the new AQUAPHON A 50

The Leaky video of our new AQUAPHON A 50 is now online! read more

[Translate to Englisch Int.:]

news-icon 24. May 2016

AQUAPHON® A 50 – the reasonable, entry-level model for professional acoustic water leak detection

New system with compact, handy receiver for prelocating and pinpointing leaks.Just in time for the opening of IFAT – the world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management, 30 May - 3 June 2016 in Munich – Hermann Sewerin GmbH launches a new system for professional electro-acoustic leak detection: the AQUAPHON® A 50. The small, lightweight and compact A 50 receiver has everything you need to electro-acoustically locate leaks in water pipe networks. read more

[Translate to Englisch Int.:]

news-icon 17. May 2016

Anniversary IFAT 2016: SEWERIN Group presents new water leak detector

The Gütersloh-based SEWERIN Group will be providing a complete overview of its range of products and services at this year’s anniversary IFAT in Munich. The place to be for visitors is the large stand in hall A5, stand No. 317/416. This is where the SEWERIN exhibition team will be presenting the complete range of gas and water leak detection and pipe and cable detection products. The highlight of this year’s presentation is a new entry-level system for professional water leak detection. The public will have the opportunity to experience the unique features of the new system first-hand. read more

news-icon 21. March 2016

Meet the SEWERIN sales office team

We all know that behind every successful man is a strong woman. And behind the “frontmen” on the SEWERIN field sales team are six strong women and an equally strong man who are responsible for processing the individual orders, be it for new equipment or repair and maintenance services. Under the leadership of Karen Balke-Fechner, each of the six sales engineers... read more

news-icon 18. March 2016

New SEWERIN sales staff

Two members of the SEWERIN sales team are currently awaiting the joys of motherhood: sales consultant Nina Klein and the assistant to sales manager Andreas Schweitzer, Anna Blasius. Both have been on maternity leave since November 2015. read more

news-icon 16. March 2016

New product video COMBIPHON

Watch our latest video on youtube! Locating plastic pipes acoustically - How the AQUAPHON A 200 and the COMBIPHON operate together seamlessly read more

news-icon 30. March 2015

Positive results from WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL 2015

In this year, too, we can look back on a very successful appearance at the WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL. As well as providing an excellent platform for the exchange of information with customers, the fair also helps establishing read more

news-icon 24. March 2015

Wasser Berlin International 2015

Today the Wasser Berlin International 2015 opens its doors. For the next four days we will be your contact relating to water leak detection and pipe location. Visit us at our new exhibition stand in hall 3.2, booth No. 319. read more

news-icon 17. February 2015

Professional article on the subject of "Leak detection by correlation"

How does sound velocity influence the result of a correlation measurement and how can the pinpointing accuracy of a correlation be improved? The press release published by Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dirk Becker explains it in detail. read more

news-icon 22. July 2014

IFAT Munich: Springboard to global markets

For five days at the beginning of May the Neue Messe in Munich was once again given over entirely to environmental technologies. And 2014 proved to be a record-breaking year: With more than 135,000 visitors, almost half of them from overseas, more people than ever were eager to discover the latest trends in technologies that address environmental and climate challenges. read more

news-icon 22. July 2014

GAT 2014 in Karlsruhe: Back again this year

Last year SEWERIN was forced to pull out of the GAT trade fair in Nuremberg due to a clash of dates. However, the Gütersloh-based company will be back again for the this year's event read more

news-icon 18. July 2014

Innovative, scalable vehicle concepts: From the City measuring vehicle to the new 7.5 t class – service, detection and measuring vehicles from Gütersloh

Depending on the size and structure of their networks, companies operating in the gas and water supply industry may have very different needs as regards the size and equipment features of their service and leak detection vehicles. Economic considerations are also an important factor when it comes to choosing a particular vehicle class. After all, any vehicle ties up a significant amount of capital in terms of purchase and maintenance costs for quite some time.SEWERIN SERVICE GmbH has been working with its customers in the public utilities sector since the mid-1990s to develop tailor-made vehicle concepts. read more

news-icon 26. June 2013

Successful participation in WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL and the WASsERLEBEN public exhibition

The international water industry has been meeting at the Berlin exhibition halls for WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL every other year for 50 years now. The last four days of April this year were marked by an increased international dimension in the form of both visitors and exhibitors. read more

news-icon 26. June 2013

BiogasWorld 2013: Looking towards Eastern Europe

In parallel to WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL, the second BiogasWorld was held in hall 20 of the Berlin show grounds. Unlike the biogas conference of the biogas professional association, this event was primarily geared towards companies from the biogas industry, who focus on exporting their technologies and services abroad. read more

news-icon 25. June 2013

Service: Wide range of network inspection packages

The SEWERIN network inspection division’s extensive range of services for public and industrial pipe network operators is based on 80 years of experience. One invaluable advantage for practical work is the regular feedback from those carrying out network inspections to SEWERIN’s product management. read more

news-icon 25. June 2013

Vehicle customisation

Measuring vehicle delivered for water loss analysisIn April 2013 a new measuring vehicle for water loss analysis was handed over to the Bottrop-based executive board of Rheinisch-Westfälische Wasserwerks-GmbH (RWW GmbH), in Gütersloh.A VW Crafter with high roof and long wheelbase was used. Behind the driver and passenger area is an... read more

news-icon 25. June 2013

SEWERIN staff baptise their mascot

All of a sudden the little man appeared: in an animation about the AquaTest T10, a cartoon character developed from the symbol in the SEWERIN logo known as “Pacman” explains how to use this electroacoustic water leak detector. read more

news-icon 25. June 2013

YouTube and Facebook

Social media for brand and product loyaltySEWERIN has been present on social networks since spring 2013. Three product videos have so far been presented on our own YouTube channel, and this figure will continue to grow. read more

news-icon 12. November 2012

Cooperation between Hermann Sewerin GmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Technology for reducing water losses - Drinking water is scarce in Peru. At present more than 20 per cent of all Peruvians have no access to drinking water and large sections of the population are supplied with water for only a few hours each day. The reasons for this lie partly in the dry climate in the densely populated costal region, and partly in the ageing pipeline system. In many Peruvian towns and cities, leaks in the water supply systems ... read more

news-icon 25. October 2012

SEWERIN – Work in Peru presented to World Bank committee

Washington – Following the launch event in autumn 2011, the German Water Partnership (GWP) continued the dialogue at a symposium in mid-September attended by representatives of more than 40 international organisations and delegates from GWP member companies. The theme of both events was “Water and Innovation, Solutions for Development – The German Experience”. read more

news-icon 1. March 2012

Sewerin Information Offensive 2012

Any observant media user will surely have spotted them: the little squares with the seemingly random arrangement of black and white dots. Their use is growing all the time - in adverts and on billboards, admission cards and flight tickets, to name just a few examples. These QR codes or quick-response codes are revolutionising the distribution and processing of information. Since the start of 2012 Gütersloh-based Hermann Sewerin GmbH has been using QR codes in its trade adverts. read more